Crowns & Bridges

We accept Washington & Idaho Patients

Dental Crowns

When your tooth becomes badly decayed, fractured, or has a large filling that has become old and ineffectual, the dentist will likely recommend that a crown be placed on the affected tooth. The crown essentially serves as a cap on the tooth that protects the rest of the tooth from becoming damaged. Crowns serve to strengthen the healthy structure of the tooth so that your smile can remain as bright and beautiful as you deserve.

There are various types of dental crowns which include porcelain and metal crowns, all metal crowns, and all porcelain crowns. The majority of crown procedures will require at least two, if not more, appointments with the dentist.

The fitting of a crown will start with the removal of any decay that has damaged the tooth or teeth. After the area has been drilled, the tooth will be shaped in order to fit the crown. The dentist will then make an impression of the mouth so that the crown will fit in the appropriate area. A transitional crown, which is composed of either metal or plastic, will then be formed and then placed on the tooth. Another appointment will then be scheduled for a later time, usually during the next week. The temporary crown will then be removed and the permanent one will be put in its place. It will be adjusted appropriately and then cemented onto the tooth.

Dental Bridges

Tooth loss is certainly one of the most damaging dental events that can occur, in respect to both personal appearance as well as oral health. When a tooth is knocked out, falls out, or is extracted by a dentist, the surrounding teeth may start to shift out of their proper position. This can cause a change in the overall bite of the mouth, tooth decay, gum disease, and even additional tooth loss. When the tooth is lost, the dentist will typically recommend that a bridge be placed in the spot of the lost tooth or teeth. A bridge, which can consist of one or several artificial teeth, is anchored to the surrounding teeth on either side using crowns.

The process of inserting a dental bridge begins with the preparation of the healthy teeth surrounding the gap. The teeth need to be shaped so that the crowns can be placed atop them. Then, an impression is made of the teeth so that the crown can be properly sculpted. A transitional bridge can then be formed and then fitted for the area. It will be placed in the gap until the permanent bridge is ready. The temporary bridge will usually remain in place for about a week. After the week is up, the dentist will schedule another appointment. At this visit, the dentist will remove the transitional bridge and will place the permanent bridge. He or she will then adjust the piece and cement it into the correct position.

Contact Our Team

If you have any other questions about our practice, our team is standing by to help! Of course, the best way to learn more is always in person. Contact Apex Sleep Dentistry to schedule your appointment today!

Nervous about your dental procedure? Ask us about one of our convenient sedation options to keep you as comfortable as possible.

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